Community Action Online Courses (during Covid-19)

For a comprehensive summary document on our 4 courses, including our curriculums and child protection strategy, please click here:


For any further information, or to sign your students up for the courses, email by Monday 27th April with introductions starting on the 27th April and first post sent on the 4th May. Places are limited, and so we encourage you to get in touch asap.

Students from the following schools (alongside others) have taken our courses giving excellent feedback: Eton College, Brighton College, Canford School, Sevenoaks School, Norwich School, Benenden School, Roedean School, Marlborough College, Wellington College, Ghana International School, African Science Academy

You can then sign up here  pupils can either sign up directly, or we can sign them up via teachers.

The courses will run concurrently for 6 weeks, completing on 22nd June (with a break for half-term from 25th May -1st June).

A quick summary:

About EduSpots: 

EduSpots aims to train, equip and connect individuals to catalyse long lasting community-led change, working across the UK and Ghana. We won the Tes International Award in 2018 for the best international education project in the UK. See for more info on our wider work.

EduSpots Online Service Courses for Covid-19 Summer Term: 

The EduSpots online courses aim to challenge pupils to critically reevaluate their assumptions about creating social change through listening to the lived experience of pupils in different contexts, as well as offering the core theory needed to build successful service projects. Pupils who successfully pass the course will have the opportunity to apply for a £1000 grant and join our network of changemakers. Pupils will receive a report and grading (fail/pass/distinction) at the end of the course, and will also have the chance to enter an essay or blog competition midway, with a £200 prize.

NB Each course has two levels: beginner (A and C), and higher level (B and D). We recommend that younger pupils participating or those new to this field, take course A or C. 

Global Development: Theory and Practice 

This course, which is in its 4th cycle, introduces the key building blocks of development theory, relating it to lived experience in developing world communities. You will be able to consider practical development decisions in the light of colonial history, and be guided in how to think through development practice and build a theory of change. You will have the opportunity to interact with Ghanaian pupils on the discussion board, alongside pupils from UK schools.

Community Action: Theory and Practice

This course aims to equip pupils with the tools to either improve the impact of their current community service placement in a local context, or create their own service or social entrepreneurship initiative. The weekly posts walk students through identifying needs and articulating problems, building theories of change, developing sustainability policies, devising communication strategies, and more! You will be able to apply ideas considered each week to your own project, receiving feedback on your posts on a weekly basis from our team and other like-minded students, with the best initiatives also being given further exposure on our social media platforms.

Reporting and certification 

  • Pupils will receive a certificate at the end if they successfully complete the course, with those offering the most thoughtful responses receiving a distinction and some being awarded ‘top in cohort’ prizes.
  • We will also run an essay competition with a £200 top prize, and pupils have the chance to apply for our £1000 ‘changemaker’ grant and programme.


Note that any profits raised from this course will be sent directly to Ghana to fund EduSpots’ community hygiene stations, book loan systems, and to purchase much needed text books and online education programmes to enable pupils to continue their education whilst at home.

Sample courses:

To see a sample of our previous courses (which we have worked hard to improve and were not as well tailored to UK pupils’ needs as our new courses), click below:

Education and Development (2019)

Leadership and Action (2020)