EduLIT Club Resources

Following literacy development training, we facilitate the establishment of community-wide literacy clubs. The clubs are made up of children of varying abilities from several schools in the community.

The EduSpots Literacy Programme exists to provide you with the training and materials you need to establish a successful literacy club in your community. Our literacy groups at EduSpots are known as EduLit groups, and the EduLit Junior Club is made up of junior high school students.

EduLit clubs are classified into two types:

  • Community-based EduLit club – consists of pupils from multiple schools in the same community.
  • School-based EduLit Junior club – consists of pupils from the same school.

EduLit Clubs must have three key educational goals in mind and strive towards them:

  • Improve Literacy Skills: ensuring that members of EduLit clubs can read, write, apply math, understand, build knowledge, and communicate.
  • Inspire Creativity: fostering an atmosphere in which members may explore, discover, and unleash their full potential.
  • Develop leadership and critical thinking skills by moulding members’ mindsets to recognise issues and a strong desire to persuade others to take action by proposing long-term solutions for social change.

Club Handbook

We hope that this handbook will be helpful for understanding all elements of running an EduLit club.

The activity templates below are support materials to help club leaders plan activities that are students-centred and facilitate the acquisition of both language and creative skills.


Creative Club 1 – Beginnings

Creative Club 2 – Characters

Creative Club 3 – Climax

Creative Club 4 – Endings



Creative Club 5 – Advertisements

Creative Club 6 – Simple Arguments

Creative Club 7 – Speeches and Talks

Creative Club 8 – Debates

Creative Club 9 – Literacy Game Ideas

Creating a chatterbox

Find the instructions for creating a chatterbox here: The Chatterbox instructions and watch the video below:


You can download them for use in your school or community club. You can also share any ideas or comments with us in the comments.