Our impact

In 2024, alongside our internal monitoring, evaluation and learning strategy, we are aiming to complete an independent evaluation of our work. More details to follow! 

Please read our latest 2023 Impact & Learning Report here:

Find our 2022 Impact Report here: 

Watch an interview with Emma, an EduKidz Catalyst in Wodome, describing the impact of EduSpots upon her teaching:

Peek inside Elmina Spot here, and gain a sense of the impact:


Explore the change being created so far at one of our newest Spots, in Zangbalun, Northern Ghana in this short video:

Explore the impact of our 2023 Ignite Academies so far here:

Read our 2021 Impact Report below!


Take a look at Adu Carlos Boahen describing the impact he and his team have created in Akumadan.

Our work at a glance