Banda Kabrono

The Banda Spot is located in a suburb of Banda Kabrono. It is about 1 km from Banda Ahenkro, the District capital of Banda. The primary occupation of the people in the community is farming. The spot is a school-based Spot housed in the Kabrono Presbyterian Primary School.

In 2023, Mr Billy Yaw Krah through his NGO Prime Initiative supplied exercise books, pens, tables and chairs to rural schools in the Banda and Tain District. He realized that in most of the schools he visited, the literacy and numeracy skills among the children attending basic schools was very poor. This according to him was due to factors such as inappropriate parental supervision, inadequate reading materials as well as lack of a library that will encourage children to read.

He therefore discussed his findings with the District Director for Education and the Girl Child Coordinator of the District and decided to do something to help. In line with his intention to help he reached out to Mr. John Yeboah, the Headmaster of Kabrono Presbyterian Primary school about the possibility of housing a Spot in the school. After meeting with the Parents-Teachers Association of the school, a decision was made to apply to become a Spot with EduSpots. A team of 7 Catalysts was created and an application was sent to EduSpots to join the network and Banda Kabrono was selected after the interview process in March, 2024.

In April 2024, a Catalyst, Mr. Kofi Boadi was opportuned to be part of the EduSpots Catalyst Leadership Academy that was held in Elmina where he and other Catalysts were equipped with skills they needed to lead the change they wanted to see. The Spot received some reading books and digital devices from EduSpots which have been very beneficial to the learners and volunteers.

Before the Spot was launched, children were rarely motivated to read during break time. However, since its establishment, students have shown increased enthusiasm for learning and taken on leadership roles. Catalysts have held several meetings and training on measures to put in place to address inclusion among learners, child safeguarding, environmental protection among others.  Currently the Spot operates the EduKidz Strand aiming to develop capacity to run other EduSpots’ educational strands. The Spot aims to develop into a fully-fledged educational space that serves as a center of learning not only for clubs within the host school but also for nearby schools and the entire district.