
Children are said to be the future leaders of the country. ” Are we waiting till the future before we train our children?” ~ Hon. Daniel Manso.

Daniel was very worried about the future of Dadwen children. For five years in a row, the BECE results was unsatisfactory, preventing many learners from securing their preferred Senior High Schools.”I wanted to establish a library to help the children to learn, but I I’m worried about how we can get support, especially, for library books!” Daniel lamented.

There was a programme organized by Ghana National Association of Teachers (GNAT) in 2023 at Takoradi. He had the opportunity to represent his school at the programme. Sharing his challenges and how he intends to support his community, a participant introduced him to EduSpots. ” I was thinking EduSpots is someone who can get me the books and other supplies for the library, not knowing that it is an organisation that helps learners to achieve their dream”, ~ Daniel

Daniel searched for EduSpots website and followed their activities for four months. He subsequently decided to apply to EduSpots for Dadwen to become part of the network. After discussions with some local authorities and teachers, he was encouraged to do so. Following the application, Dadwen was successfully selected. ” Where will I get the room for the library since the only space available has to be renovated due to its bad condition? ”~Daniel

Following a Spot inspection visit by team members from EduSpots, the team encouraged him to collaborate with the community for the renovation. “I was touched when I had an invitation to attend the Catalyst Leadership Academy at Elmina, it was my first time to visit Elmina. I learnt a lot from the program including how to raise funds to support the Spot. The digital training was very fantastic and also the opportunity I had to meet some high-ranking people in Ghana was amazing” ~ Daniel. After the Academy, Daniel met the community to speed up the renovation of the library, and today, the library has been renovated and is open for use.

Though, there are challenges to be addressed especially with regards to tables and chairs, the learners can still boast of a place where they can pick up books to read. ” Glory be to God for making my dream come true. It is my hope that the Edukidz club activities will bring out learners who are self-motivated and can climb the education ladder to the maximum peak. Together with EduSpots, the future of Dadwen children will be secured.” ~ Hon. Daniel Manso

Today, Hon. Daniel Manso is a driving force for positive change in his community as a Catalyst at Dadwen Spot.

