Gifty Abudu

Peer Mentor (Ignite Equity)

My name is Gifty Abudu, a dedicated midwife and Catalyst of Akumadan Spot. I have been passionate about fostering a love for reading and learning in my community since I joined EduSpots in 2019 during my college years.

Currently, I volunteer as the strand leader for the Ignite Equity Club and I also serve as the coordinator for keeping Akumadan Spot safe. I believe that libraries are essential hubs of knowledge and connection, and I am committed to supporting their mission. I am excited to contribute to making the library a welcoming and enriching space for all learners and visitors.

My inspirations include a deep love for books and reading, a strong desire to give back to the community, a passion for education and literacy, and a commitment to helping others discover the joy of reading. Volunteering at the library allows me to contribute to a valuable community resource, interact with diverse groups of people, and support educational initiatives. It is a rewarding experience that positively impacts both myself and the community.

Through my volunteering, I have been enlightened and have developed a high sense of leadership skills. By signing up as a Peer Mentor, I am continuing my efforts to promote education and literacy, making a lasting difference in my community and the wider EduSpots network.