Join our EduChamps Club!

Join us in becoming an EduChamp, a member of our monthly giving club dedicated to creating lasting change and championing education in rural Ghana and Kenya. By standing with Catalysts and learners in these communities, together we can shape a brighter future.

As an EduChamp, your monthly contribution will help magnify impact and build a foundation for the future of our Spot communities. It could allow us to strengthen the skills of staff and Catalysts so they can have greater impact; scale up our model; try something new that Spot communities see a need for; or invest in the digitalisation of Spots.

In less than 10 years, EduSpots grew to a network of 50 Spots reaching 15,000 learners annually – imagine what we can do in the next 10 years with your support!

As part of your membership, you will receive:

  • A free #OurCollectiveFuture cotton tote bag or t-shirt.

  • Regular doses of inspiration from Spot volunteers and reading ideas to expand your knowledge of community-led education.

  • Exclusive invitations to events and opportunities to feed into future plans.

As well as the opportunity to be part of transforming the future of community-led education!

Join EduChamps today by signing up to make a monthly donation via JustGiving, and together, let’s build #OurCollectiveFuture.