
Ameyaw Spot was founded by Mrs Janet Owusuaa Karikari. The Spot is situated in a suburb of Techiman called Pomaakrom.

Madam Janet recognized the minimal involvement of parents in their children’s academics, prompting her to establish the Spot as a supportive resource for students.

Given that most students in this community reside with extended family members, carving out independent study time poses a significant challenge. Furthermore, inadequate supervision exposes several young girls to early sexual relationships and other negative influences.

Following the launch of the Spot, several initiatives have been implemented to educate both parents and students on essential topics such as effective parenting, abstinence, personal hygiene, child safeguarding, and various other beneficial subjects.

The students enjoy taking part in every activity that takes place at the Spot such as EcoSTEM, EduLit, EduKidz, Ignite Equity activities.

Ameyaw Spot is a school based Spot which is not operational outside school hours.
Since the launch of the Spot, volunteers have noticed a positive attitudinal change in the students. There has been remarkable enhancements in their reading abilities and they have demonstrated increased dedication to completing assigned tasks.

Here is a quote from Kwabena Ahenkan Joseph, a Catalyst from Ameyaw Spot…”I observed tolerance, unity , passion, play, and empathy or care for others in volunteers enrolled on Ignite. These behaviours or characteristics observed in volunteers were significant because the combined action of the volunteers promoted effective and efficient running of the Spot’s activities.”