30 grant-funded Catalyse Projects are launched across the EduSpots network!

As a key component of the Catalyse Leadership Programme which has been funded by the EA Foundation across 2 years, all 30 enrolled Catalysts are required to execute a Catalyse Project.

These projects are designed to empower community change-makers by providing them with the resources and support needed to implement their educational ideas in relation to the Dream Spot Model while honing their leadership skills.

The scope of these projects varies widely, from establishing new learning centres to developing specialised educational programmes that address the unique needs of each community.

Project Overview and Expenditure

Total Number of Projects Funded: 30 projects
Total Expenditure: 87,970 cedis
Average Grant per Project: 3,000 cedis

Training and Preparation

To prepare for their projects, all selected Catalysts attend the 5-day residential EduSpots Academy, which offers comprehensive workshops covering essential topics such as project management, community engagement, fundraising, and monitoring and evaluation. This thorough training ensures that Catalysts are well-equipped to execute their projects effectively and sustainably.

Goals and Impact

The primary goal of the Catalyse Projects is to create inclusive, innovative, and sustainable education spaces (Spots) that can drive long-term development in their communities. By fostering these education hubs, EduSpots aims to contribute to the holistic development of communities, empowering individuals and promoting lifelong learning. Through the Catalyse Leadership Programme and the Catalyse Projects, EduSpots is dedicated to nurturing community leaders who can bring about meaningful and sustainable change in their local educational landscapes. By providing comprehensive training, resources, and ongoing support, EduSpots ensures that Catalysts are prepared to make a lasting impact in their communities.

Project Focus Distribution

Project case studies.

Currently, 30 Catalysts are driving change across 30 communities through their impactful Catalyse Projects. Below are some of the dynamic Catalyse initiatives taking place at Dulugu Spot, Dadwen Spot, and Ameyaw Spot. These projects are tailored to meet the unique strengths or needs of each community, aiming to create sustainable improvements in education, digital literacy, and overall community development. Through these efforts, the Catalysts are not only developing  their local communities  but also building on their leadership skills

Catalyst 1: Mohammed Fuseini (Dulugu Spot)

Project description: Promoting practical STEM education

Dulugu Spot was started in 2018 by Getrude Akunlibe (now EduSpots EcoSTEM Cooridnator), experiencing first hand the educational inequalities that existed in her community when growing up as a child. Within EduSpots, the Spot is well known for its strength and participation in the EcoSTEM strand  

This project targets 30 girls from three schools who have little interest in science. The team will use questionnaires and interviews to identify their challenges, then develop and provide hands-on science materials. Practical lessons will be conducted in their schools and at the Spot, with special attention given to these students. Progress will be monitored, and a final interview will measure the project’s impact on their interest and engagement in science.

Quote:EduSpot again. In fact, we can not be grateful to them enough. And congratulations to you Mohammed on your achievements so far. Keep it up”.- Circuit Supervisor- Dulugu 

Projected Impacts: 

  • Increased interest in science: The targeted girls will develop a more positive attitude toward science through engaging in hands-on lessons.
  • Improved Understanding and performance: The practical materials and engagement will help the girls better understand scientific concepts, improving their academic performance.
  • Empowerment and confidence: By actively participating in these practical lessons, the girls will gain confidence in their abilities and feel more empowered to pursue science-related subjects.

Catalyst 2: Daniel Manso ( Dadwen Spot)

Project description: Spot renovation.    

Dadwen, a new community to our network since February, was offered a place in the Catalyse programme after their induction as part of their probationary period. This opportunity aimed to help their team fully grasp our educational principles and core methods, enabling them to make a direct and meaningful impact in their community.

Their project aims to create a supportive and safe learning environment that effectively addresses the educational gaps that exist in their community, also equipping learners with essential skills. By creating such a space, learners will be well-prepared to meet the evolving demands and opportunities of 21st-century society, empowering them to thrive in a rapidly changing world.


Quote: “The library is a good initiative. The library opens the minds of learners and borrowing books to read makes it easier for learners to pass their exams as they would have seen something in the book that reappears in their exams. Going back my community, I am going to make the presence of this library known to the children in my community through their parents. So that they also benefit from it.”Omanpanin in Ahonya                                        

Project impact

  • Improved academic performance: enhanced reading, comprehension, and digital skills will boost students’ success in their studies.

Catalyst 3:  Joseph Ahenkan, Techiman Ameyaw 

Project description: Communication for change.

The Ameyaw Spot was started by Janet Owusuaa Karikari when she formally applied to join the network after volunteering in Sakasaka Spot in the northern Region for a couple of years.

The project seeks to promote and improve communication by erecting a notice board which will act as a central platform for Ameyaw Spot to effectively disseminate important announcements, event details, schedules, and other relevant updates to Learners, Catalysts and the broader school community

Projected impact :
Foster Community Engagement: Promoting Spot strands activities, clubs, and initiatives through the notice board will encourage learners and Catalysts to participate actively, thereby creating a stronger sense of community within the school.

The path ahead 

The success of these initial projects demonstrates the potential of the Catalyse grants to drive meaningful change in all 30 communities. As we continue to monitor and support these Catalysts initiatives, we remain committed to our vision of communities uniting to create sustainable change through education. We invite you to follow the progress of these projects on our socials and join us in celebrating the incredible work of our Catalysts. Together, we can continue to build a brighter #OurCollectiveFuture.

By Faad Abdul-Rahman, Programmes Manager & Sakasaka Catalyst

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