Brighton College Pupil Blog 2: Our Time in Donkorkrom

Again, very delayed, but is the pupils’ blog post following their time spent at the RAMSCO international school in Donkorkrom, Eastern region of Ghana. 

After a ferry trip across the Volta river and a quick journey through the village of Tease, we arrived in Donkorkrom. It appeared to us unlike anything we had before seen in Britain – street vendors selling sweets, bofrot and dried fish – people carrying large vessels on their heads, full to the brim with a smorgasbord of various foodstuffs.

Ramsco int. school, a private primary school in the heart of Donkorkrom, was the grounds of the library. It was again the polar opposite of the British schooling we had previously experienced. Despite the clear lack of money and resources within the institution, with most of the buildings made from wood rather than cement, the children were almost always wearing a huge smile, content with just the opportunity to attend the school. Each child inspired us in their own individual way, whether it was their constant thirst for knowledge and learning, or the way they acted with kindness and protection towards their peers (despite the occasional brief brawl).

The introduction of the library caused a lot of excitement amongst the kids, with everyone eager to help the process along. To me it is clear that the library will open a door for these kids to a wealth of knowledge that was not previously accessible to them. This is something that is not only completely invaluable to them as motivated and driven individuals, but also for the community as a whole. It is also clear to see that the kids have high aspirations in life, dreaming to be doctors, teachers and more, aspirations that they are all more than capable of achieving.


We will always be grateful that we had the chance to meet so many remarkable kids, and their ever positive and determined attitudes will remain with us when we return – making us recognise more than ever how lucky we are to have been given the opportunities that we have, and recognise our ability to provide opportunities for others with the resources that we have been given. I hope that the kids keep their drive and thirst for knowledge as they grow, as with this it is undoubtable that they can move mountains, if they have the resources and support that they need to succeed.

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