
Apegusu is located in the Eastern Region in the Asuogyaman district. This is a farming community. There are 6 schools located in the community (2 private and 4 government schools) and this spot is open to all of the school children and the entire community.

“EduSpot was first invited to Apeguso Presby JHS on the day the school was commissioning it’s library which was donated by the children of the late Mr. Ferguson who was a very prominent individual in the Apeguso community. EduSpot honored the school’s invitation by sending one of its members to grace the program. The representative of EduSpot Mr. Francis, loved the library building and the school. He told us what the organization is all about, how they are willing to support the school and bring changes to the lives of the young ones in the school and the community. 

He received a warm welcome from the school authorities and since that day, the school has received numerous literary books and more from EduSpot. Some of the teachers in the school including myself decided to volunteer to help the course of the organization.”

Mr. Bobobee David Serlom (Project Lead)