We are excited to have partnered with Dext Technology . They have created easily portable Science Sets containing over 45 individual components that can be used for a wide variety of science experiments.
These experiments are based on the Science knowledge students are taught in school and the idea is to teach them the practical side, which is often left out in school lessons. Most schools do not have access to the equipment necessary and when teaching classes of 30+ students it can be hard to do experiments with the limited resources they do have.
In December 2018 we decided to pilot these science sets and bought 20 to store in our Abofour, Akumadan and Kalpohin spots. Teachers from these communities were trained on how to use the sets. The idea is that the sets are stored in the Reading Spots and teachers can borrow them for use in their classroom. The hope is that this will allow all schools and Science teachers in the local area to have access to the shared resource and hence, improve the Science learning of all students within the communities.
Since then these sets have been used with great enthusiasm by teachers and volunteers in the communities to teach the local students. It has been exciting for students to learn how to apply some of the theoretical knowledge they acquire in class. Science clubs have also been started in some of the spots and the entire network is excited to expand this initiative.
We hope to grow this partnership and have already placed an order for a further 40 sets since the pilot face has been such a success. These will go to our remote spots in Donkokrom and Tease.
Find out more about Dext Technology on their BBC feature here.