Sanitation and Hygiene Education Project Begins in Asemkow!


The project is designed by Reading Spots Ghana to help reduce the spread of diseases caused by germs and other infections and an unclean environment, and to promote clean and healthy community libraries for readers, whilst creating awareness of sanitation and hygiene practices through hand-washing in particular.

The long term goal of the project is to use the children as tools for social change in their various communities. Many of our parents, especially those in the remote areas of Ghana, did not have the opportunity to go to school or have any kind of formal education. Subsequently, we have learnt that many feel encouraged to send their kids to school in the hope that they can learn new things and even teach their parents new ideas for living at home. We hope that students, individuals or visitors in the library can learn about the importance of good hygiene practices and explain the ideas to others in their homes,  churches, schools or community centres and that therefore, this project can make a significant impact in the health of the wider community.


It is said, “Hygiene is next to godliness.” This is because we can achieve nothing physically, mentally or spiritually if we are unclean in our body, surroundings and mind. Nobody likes an unclean child or adult and unhealthy environment. There are several diseases caused by germs and unhygienic environment which is causing the death of many Ghanaians. We are embarking on this education with the aim of helping to reduce the diseases caused by unwashed hands, unhealthy environment and unhygienic practises in the communities. Below are some of the reasons that we are embarking on this sanitation, hygiene and handwashing education;

  • To advocate or to create awareness of a proper handwashing, community health and sanitation.
  • To educate people about handwashing to help the library visitors and their communities stay healthy.
  • Education about handwashing reduces the number of people who gets sick with diarrhoea and cholera.
  • Education about handwashing would help to reduces diarrhoea illness in people with weakened immune system.
  • It helps to reduce respiratory illnesses in people.
  • Library visitors have to wash their hands before entering the library to keep the books clean.
  • To prevent the spread of diseases and other infections.

We are beginning by educating the children in the school environment with the guidance of headteachers and teachers, before running the projects in Reading Spots libraries more widely.



Our first sanitation, hygiene and handwashing education in one of our Reading Spots in ASEMKOW,WESTERN REGION, on the 26THSeptember,2018, was an unforgettable experience which depicts the major impact this project would have on the community and its sustainability. To see all the kids wash their hands, singing the handwashing song, ‘WASH YOUR HANDS’, and eager to practise it home and teach their parents when to wash hands, how to wash hands, and inform them of other interesting information relating to sanitation and hygiene indicates that this could be the start of an impactful and extensive project.

After introducing ourselves to the kids, we continued with a storytelling related to hygiene about a school boy to let the kids guess the topic we are there to share with them. They contributed awesome ideas about the story and guessed the topic. We discussed the idea of hygiene itself and other sub topics before putting them in groups of 5 to discuss the importance of hygienic practices, reasons to wash hands etc.We also set up the handwashing station in front of the ASEMKOW COMMUNITY LIBRARY, taught them how to hand wash along with our handwashing song(“WASH YOUR HANDS”). The full lesson plan will be posted on this website in the weeks ahead.

There was great excitement (even a round of applause) when the children saw the especially designed hand-washing station. The station is positioned outside the library, and the children will be required to wash their hands before entering. The Headmaster (Constantine Amoah) had highlighted the importance of such a station being provided a year ago, as the school previously had no means by which the children could wash their hands. Given the great enthusiasm that the Headmaster demonstrated for the initiative, through his own dancing and singing, we are sure that the children will be singing the song and sharing ideas about good hygiene often in the months ahead.


Below is our Reading Spots Sanitation and Hygiene Handwashing Song:


Wash your hands (x2),

On the back (x2),

In between your fingers (x2).

Rub your thumb (x2),

Other one (x2).

Fingers nails, with soap and water (x2).




  1. When should you wash your hands? (x2)

Before eating food. (x2)

[Return to chorus]

  1. When should you wash your hands? (x2)

After urinating. (x2)

[Return to chorus]

  1. When should you wash your hands? (x2)

After a play on ground. (x2)

[Return to chorus]

  1. When should you wash your hands? (x2)

After a sneeze (hmm/a-chu!) (x2)

[Return to chorus]

  1. When should you wash your hands? (x2)

After going to toilet. (x2)

[Return to chorus]









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