Six strategies we use to sustain the impact in EduSpots’ work

? How do we SUSTAIN the change at EduSpots?

Ahead of the Big Give campaign launching TOMORROW, here are six ways in which our strategy aims to ensure that your support leads to a long-lasting impact in Spot communities.

1. Genuine community ownership and leadership of Spots

The key sustainability innovation is that the Spots and activities are truly owned, managed and led by long-term community-based Catalysts, with the Spots existing in the communities from 1-8 years. Our programme design is also driven by the ideas and observations of Spot volunteers.

50% of our staff come from Spot volunteer backgrounds, ensuring that their voice and lived experience of our model is at the heart of organisational development, also ensuring deep passion at the centre of our work.

2. Sustainable expenditure

As part of our partnership agreements with communities, Spots agree to pay for all ongoing costs (i.e. everything that would run out – whether paper, electricity bills, water or board pens). We run bi-annual applications for flexible grant funding for sustainable items (e.g. furniture, solar power, security) alongside some enterprise investment.

3. Three volunteer development programmes

Through our Ignite, Catalyse and Peer Mentoring programmes, Catalysts are supported with a range of strategies designed to enhance the sustainability and quality of activities. This includes supporting volunteers with building local volunteer teams, establishing community committees, advancing community understanding, alongside a range of systems-based training stretching across finance, resources and safeguarding.

4. Local enterprise and fundraising development

Through monthly Spot Operations challenges, volunteers are supported in creating ideas for fundraising and local enterprise development, with some seed funding given. For those on the Catalyse Programme, they ensure strategic design and implementation of the Catalyse Project such that it targets sustainable change, including ongoing income generation.

5. Network support and mentorship

Our Catalysts are supported by a wider network of 250+ volunteers, who offer peer-peer support, co-creative learning communities (across EduLit, EduKidz, EcoSTEM, Ignite Girls, and Spot Ops), with Catalysts also joining conferences and building relationships.

Catalysts are supported by experienced regional coordinators (who all have experience of founding Spots), who meet Spot teams on a monthly basis.

6. Environmental sustainability education

Learners can participate in our EcoSTEM clubs, which offer a range of practical STEM and environmental sustainability activities, working with local partners, which are designed to engage learners with the environment that the Spots are positioned within.

? Want to learn more? Or make further suggestions? Email!

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