We are delighted to announce the appointment of Yvonne Peters Asamoning to the role of EduSpots Ghana Team Coordinator, starting in September 2021.
Yvonne will bring extensive experience of both community development and education. We are confident that she will lead the Ghana staff and volunteer teams towards our vision of a world in which communities unite to create the world they want to see through education.
With a background in both teaching English and leading community development projects, Yvonne understands the EduSpots model and network, having been an EduSpots volunteer herself since 2018. Building from a clear passion for gender and development – the subject she is currently studying as a Chevening Scholar at the University of Sussex, UK – she developed a female mentoring programme held in our Kalpohin Spot that led to the creation of a male mentoring club led by local teachers. This initiative progressed into an organisation Yvonne has established named ‘Be Better Mentoring’ which aims to give students the support needed to reach their goals. This understanding of effective mentoring will be central to EduSpots’ strategy moving forwards.
Following the success of this programme, Yvonne was chosen as part of our original cohort of ‘Teacher Changemakers’, now renamed ‘Catalysts’. She was awarded a grant to lead a programme relating to menstrual hygiene in her community. Through both these initiatives, Yvonne inspired action across the EduSpots volunteer network, also participating actively in our 2019 conference entitled ‘Community Action: Building Social Leaders’. In 2020, Yvonne agreed to be a member of our new EduSpots Advisory Board, which partly aims to ensure that volunteer voice and understanding is at the core of our strategic and programme design. Indeed, she advised on the development of the new EduSpots Community Leadership in Development Programme, and has led online talks for volunteers in Ghana and in the UK.
Yvonne will take a lead on managing the staff engaging in the education delivery and volunteer coaching within Ghana, ensuring the smooth delivery of operations across the network, and ultimately creating the systems and structures to ensure our network of over 200 volunteers are adequately supported in their desire to lead change in their community through the educational opportunities offered at our network of 42 centres or ‘Spots’.
The whole EduSpots network and staff team congratulate Yvonne on her appointment, and wish her every success as she completes her MA in Gender in Development ahead of preparing to start this new role in September.
Read more about Yvonne:
Yvonne Peters Asamoning is a development enthusiast who works with communities to ensure sustainable growth, collective leadership and community-led change. Yvonne believes that individuals hold the power to lead home-grown change when they have the right tools and mindsets to do so. She champions volunteerism and gender equity. Yvonne has over 7 years of experience working with rural communities in the North and South of Ghana and has vast experience on issues affecting women and girls. She is the founder of BeBetter Mentorship programme and has previously worked at Create Change Ghana as a Girls Education Officer. Yvonne is a staunch advocate for victims of sexual abuse, and this led her to co-found and manage the Sanatio Foundation between 2016 and 2019.
Yvonne is a past fellow of Lead for Ghana, a leadership development fellowship in which she was awarded the Most Resilient Fellow and award for the Most Innovative Community Project. She is also an awardee of the prestigious Chevening scholarship and was recently presented a Bronze award for her volunteer work with Save the Children, UK. Yvonne has participated in several talks on development, gender and education, including the Global Education and Skills Forum in 2019 and the Teach for All Global conference in 2020. Yvonne acknowledges the power of participatory and reflective practices.She is a poet and writer.
Yvonne holds a Bachelor of Arts in Linguistics from the University of Ghana and is currently completing a Masters in Gender and Development at the University of Sussex, Institute of Development Studies. She holds certificates in Human-centered Design and Confidence Coaching, both from Acumen Academy.