Will you be one of our 50 Spot partners?

EduSpots’ commitment to collaboration is set to soar as we launch Partner a Spot: connecting organizations and schools in the UK with our Spots in Ghana and Kenya. 

In Ghana, like much of sub-Saharan Africa, the educational story is told by straight talking statistics. With almost 20% of primary school students not completing their education (World Bank, 2017), close to 2.6 million people being classed as illiterate (UNESCO, 2023) and, in the poorest places, 52% of students completing primary school with 23% continuing to lower secondary school (UNICEF, 2020)

We believe partnerships to be the next chapter in our story of change. In fact, it’s not only us, the United Nations advocates partnership as the bookends to achieving the global 2030 Sustainable Development Goals: ‘Partnership has grown to become an essential paradigm in sustainable development.’ (United Nations Department of Economic and Social Affairs, 2019). So, we want to grow our partnerships too. We think that this might just be the page turner we’ve been looking for, driving us towards even greater collaborative, innovative and transformative educational development.  

Our Partner a Spot model calls on organisations who share our passion for literacy, African literature and EcoSTEM to connect and be inspired by the incredible teams of volunteers on the ground. We hope that through forging a relationship with the Spot community, they will be motivated to support the Spots’ emerging needs, engage in collaborative learning and steer their organisation into creating sustainable social change. 

We’re excited to author this dual-narrative, enabling the voices of our Spot communities and UK partners to be equally heard, and to write a shared story of educational transformation.

Interested? Email Vicky on info@eduspots.org


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