Edinaman SHS girls reach national finals!

The Edinaman Senior High School girls’ team have once again beaten the odds to reach the national finals (last 8 – they came 3rd last year), which is on 13-15th June.  If you would like to support them in getting new kit for the finals, click here.

The Edinaman Hockey Story

Written by Mr.Isaac Yirenkyi Yeboah, one of our teacher changemakers:

Hockey is a well acclaimed sport which is gradually gaining grounds in Ghana.However in the Central Region,the enthusiasm and zeal to play Hockey is discouraging.This is very reason why the Edinaman Hockey club was established 2011.

The Edinaman Hockey club started as part of a pilot project to recruit players to play Hockey in the Komenda Edina Eguafo Abirem District(K.E.E.A).This idea was rejuvenated by Mr.Isaac Yirenkyi Yeboah with the support of Mr Benedict Nyarko, Mr. Emmanuel Otoo, Madam Charlotte Gyaman and Mr. Benjamin Abaidoo. The total number on roll is 100 comprising of 40 boys and 60 girls between the ages of 10-20 years. Our mission is to unearth the talents and potentials of the youth, through the development and sustainability of Hockey in the Komenda Edina Eguafo Abirem District.

Our vision is for the team be a leading community based Hockey organisation that adapts and encourages best practices in all aspects of the game. We seek to provide a conducive environment that foster respect and good behaviour by
promoting the principles of team play,sportsmanship and companionship amongst all players. Last but not the least, to involve parents in their child’s development by maintaining open lines of communication among players and coaches. Our values are integrity, respect,discipline,sportsmanship, compassion,diversity and fairness. Since the inception of the team,the Edinaman Hockey club has won laurels and made some significant achievements.

The team was adjudged winners at the Winneba Aboakyir Hockey Gala competition in 2016.We put up a high-spirited performance and won the overall winners title. And teamhas won the Regional championship for 6 consecutive years, isn’t that mouthwatering.

The team provides all Senior High Schools in the K.E.E.A district with players and this has reflected in the performance of the respective school during regional hockey sport festivals
One other achievement is that for the first time in the history of the National Senior High Schools Competition where Central Region won the girls’ division, 8 of our players were part of the winning team and are currently playing in Accra, and this year 6 of them made the regional team. We believe that with more adequate equipment more of our players can make the regional team with ease. Edinaman Senior High School has an impeccable Hockey team and we are proud to mention that most of our players are in that team. Also, two players from our club were called up into the national under 17 hockey girls team.

There are a few challenges that hinders the development of the clubs.

First and foremost,we have inadequate training equipment.This means we have no choice than to manage the few that we have.This makes it difficult to train our players at once since some of them would have to look on and wait for their turn to use the equipment.At other times,some do not get the chance to play at all. This situation has resulted in the exit of players who give up out of frustration. Most of the players do not get the chance to display their talents due to limited training equipments. This situation puts the team at a great disadvantage, especially goal keeping kits and jerseys.

Judging from the achievements chalked so far, we firmly believe that the provision of additional training equipments such as shoes and shin pads would improve our current performance. We therefore pleading with any able hands that can help to develope the club. As part of our activities, we would encourage more girls to join and give them the chance to develop an interest in playing hockey. This would go a long way to reduce destitution and teenage pregnancy in the district.

The Girls visited spiritual home, Ntranoa. Ntranoa is a farming community, small in size but large in talent surprised, don’t. That’s the spiritual home to central regional hockey, this is were it’s all started. If Obuasi, Tarkwa etc.. Are known for minerals, Then Hockey is a treasure for Ntranoa. A town which has produce numerous of hockey talents. The girls moved there, as part of their preparational tour to the CIIS Hockey Fiesta 2019 later this year. As part of the visit the girls paid a surprise visit to the chief of Ntranoa, Nana was happy to see an idea that have transform to reality. He inspired the team with motivational words, later bless the team with prayer of victory. Our team has prospective players who would do remarkable exploits when given the opportunity.We have tipped some players as capable of playing for the national hockey team.

We wish to humbly call on you for sponsorship to develop this club and expand it territories which will provide an enabling avenue for us to also contribute to the growth and development of the District and country through games.

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