Join the EduSpots 42 Challenge!

In celebration of 4.2 years since we became a registered charity, for 4.2 months the EduSpots team and supporters are going wild around the theme of 42.

We have been shocked by the results of research across our EduSpots communities where 42% of volunteers surveyed agreed that lost learning time due to COVID would cause ‘many students not to attend Senior High School’. A high percentage of children in our communities have no parent at home who can support their learning, and with limited learning resources, and limited contact from school, many Ghanaian children have had their education placed entirely on hold.

EduSpots provides a community-led solution. 

£4.20 enables us to fund a local text book for our book loaning stations

£42 enables our Ghanaian team to lead a training session with local volunteers

£420 enables us to deliver training and a literacy or STEM kit to a community who has requested it

£4200 enables us to create a new ‘spot’

We connect, train, and equip educational ‘catalysts’ to drive the creation of sustainable educational projects. We have supported 300 educational catalysts in 42 communities in creating community-led education ‘spots’, powered by solar,  leading programmes in practical STEM and literacy development. Roughly 15,000 learners have been positively impacted, and we were recently shortlisted for the national EduCom award for NGO or Business contribution to education.

The EduSpots 42 Challenge

Our EduSpots 42 Challenge calls people to get creative and do something 42 times (or 4.2 or 420 or 4+2 or 4×2 times!!), either reaching out for sponsorship, or donating themselves (£4.20… £42…£420..!). Do then tag others to continue the #EduSpots42Challenge chain.

Our model is low-cost and high impact. We will be sharing stories from our communities on a regular basis on @eduspots on Twitter and Facebook. Any questions or suggestions, email us on

Team 42 Commitments so Far…

Our Head of School Partnerships (Sussex), Dawn Parks, is baking 42 cakes and hoping to sell them to raise at least £4.20 per cake! Read more about her story here.

Our Founder, Cat Davison, is running 42 times around the athletics track every time the fundraising hits £420… she’s hoping to get 42 people to join her in the process. Read more here.

Our Head of Operations Systems, Laura Ward, is embarking on 42 sea swims, involving 42 people.

Our communities across Ghana are also going to get involved too!

When the 4.2 months are over in January, we will be awarding certificates for:

  • Most creative idea
  • Best EduSpots messaging
  • Most uses of 42
  • Most money raised
  • Highest level of commitment


Help us create #OurCollectiveFuture 



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